The ministries listed below all play an important part in our liturgies. We encourage parishioners to become involved in these ministries, but volunteers must go through training before serving in these capacities. Appropriate training sessions are offered, especially in the fall.

If you are interested in becoming a liturgical minister, email Parish Office.


Lectors proclaim the readings (other than the Gospel) during the Liturgy of the Word.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion distribute the Body of Christ and the Precious Blood during the Communion Rite of the Liturgy of the Eucharist.

Altar Servers

Altar Servers assist the priest during the Eucharistic Liturgy. Children who have completed third grade and older may participate in this ministry. College students are also invited to assist with this ministry, especially for the 6:00 PM Sunday Mass.


Sacristans take care of the sacred vessels and other items used at Mass. They set up these items before Mass and clean up these items and put them away after Mass.


Ushers assist people with seating if necessary. They gather the collection, arrange for the gifts to be brought forward, and secure the collection. They give assistance to members of the congregation as needed.


Greeters hand out bulletins and help people to feel welcomed at St. Francis as they enter Church on Sundays for Mass.