St. Francis Service Committee
The Service Committee coordinates the parish’s efforts to implement the Corporal Works of Mercy by reaching out to our brothers and sisters in time of need.

Aliceville Prison Ministry
Every Thursday, volunteers from St. Francis visit the prison in Aliceville and celebrate a Liturgy of the Word with the prisoners there. These volunteers also provide sacramental training for interested prisoners. Members of St. Francis are also invited to be members of the KAIROS Prison Ministry in Aliceville. For more information, please email Deacon Bill Remmert.
Comfort Committee
This group of parish volunteers prepares meals for parish families who have a new baby or who are experiencing serious illness or who have had a death in the family. If you would like to help with this ministry or if your family is in need of assistance, please email Shirley Darr.
Kairos Support Team
The Kairos Support Team that is forming at St. Francis is designed to carry out projects and activities that support the actual Kairos Team from Tuscaloosa. It is not for the purpose of forming a Kairos Team. Volunteers may participate in as many or as few activities as desired. If you are interested in any aspect of this ministry, please email Martina Holt for more information. College students are welcome!
Ministry to the Sick
Volunteers from our parish are needed to visit parishioners who are homebound, in the hospital, or in nursing home facilities and take them the Holy Eucharist. If you would like to help with this ministry, please email Deacon Bill Remmert.